The Print Statistics tool provides valuable insights into your additive FFF and MPBF prints, helping you optimize your additive manufacturing process. It displays key data such as estimated printing time and layer count, allowing you to make informed decisions and maximize efficiency.
The available statistics differ between FFF and MPBF prints.
For MPBF prints, in addition to printing time and layer count, the tool also provides information on exposure time, recoating time, and recoating time per layer.
For FFF prints, in addition to printing time and layer count, the tool also provides the length and volume of filament expected to be used, a breakdown of the time taken to print different parts (for example, shells versus infills), and a breakdown of the material consumption for different parts. It also provides insights into energy usage in kilowatt-hours and the filament usage in grams, as well as the associated energy cost and filament cost in certain currencies.