Ensure that you have an additive setup with an FFF, MPBF, or DED additive machine selected.
On the Manufacture workspace toolbar, click Additive > Actions > Simulate Additive Toolpath .
The Simulate Additive Toolpath dialog opens, and simulation player controls appear at the bottom of the canvas.
Choose a Mode option to show all layers, or only the current layer, during the simulation.
Choose a Layers option to include all layers in the simulation, or to speed up the simulation by skipping every second, fifth, tenth, or 100th layer.
Choose an Animation option to simulate all layers in sequence, or the current layer on a loop.
Choose a Display Type option to determine if the color legend on the canvas is based on the toolpath type or print speed.
Toolpath type lets you compare, for example, supports in contrast to infills.
On the canvas, on the simulation player controls, click Start the Simulation or press
The additive build starts to simulate.
As the simulation progresses, statistics about the build update in the dialog. Statistics include the total number of layers in the entire build, the height from the build platform to the current layer being simulated, the time needed to build the current layer, and the number of the current layer.
(Optional) To post process the additive toolpath to an NC file, click Post Process.
Click Close.