Generate a Blend toolpath

  1. On the Manufacture workspace toolbar, click Milling > 3D > Blend blend icon.

    The Blend dialog opens.

  2. On the Tool tab, click Select to pick a tool. If you have not created a tool to use, in the left panel of the Tool Library dialog, pick a tool from the Fusion Library.

    Note: To machine undercuts, select one of the following tools types: lollipop mill, dovetail mill, or slot tool.
  3. On the Geometry tab, next to Drive Surfaces, click Select and select surfaces to machine.

  4. Next to Drive Curves, click Select and select two curves to guide creation of the toolpath.

    Note: The order of selecting drive curves affects the way how the strategy creates the toolpath.
  5. Optional steps:

    • On the Passes tab, on the Stepover Calculation drop-down list, change the default option if needed.

      • From tip of tool - Useful for machining areas where the tool cannot contact all the points on a surface because of its cutting geometry. It calculates the stepover between one pass and the next relative to the previous position of the tool tip.

      • On surface - Can detect and machine undercuts. It calculates the stepover relative to curves on the surface of the part.

    • To machine areas that are unreachable by 3-axis machining, on the Multi-Axis tab, expand the Machining Type drop-down list and select 5-axis.

      Note: To use the Multi-Axis tab, you require access to the Fusion Manufacturing Extension.
  6. Click OK.

    blend - completed toolpath