Generate a Geodesic toolpath

  1. On the Manufacture workspace toolbar, click Milling > 3D > Geodesic Geodesic strategy icon.

    The Geodesic dialog opens.

  2. On the Tool tab, click Select to pick a tool. If you have not created a tool to use, in the left panel of the Tool Library dialog, pick a tool from the Fusion Library.

    Note: Select a tool with a spherical tip, such as ball end mills or lollipop mills.
  3. On the Geometry tab, next to Drive Surfaces, click Select to select one or more surfaces to machine.

    Note: If you select several surfaces, they need to be joined.
  4. Optional steps:

    • To contain the toolpath area with a Machining Boundary, select one or more silhouettes or sketches as boundaries.

      By default, the Machining Boundary is evaluated automatically based on the selected Drive Surfaces.

    • Select a Type of Passes:

      • Blend - Creates a toolpath by offsetting two curves from the geometry by a variable stepover value. Useful for for machining features such as fillets and chamfers.

      • Scallop - Creates a toolpath by offsetting a curve by a specified stepover. Useful for machining the bottom of the pocket with steep walls.

    • In the Offset Passes Using drop-down, select how you want to offset toolpath passes.

      You can offset passes using a Machining Boundary, Boundary of selected Drive Surfaces, circle or line near the center of the surface, or selected curves.

      geodesic - offset passes using curve selections

      In this example, the strategy will offset passes from the two selected curves.

    • To machine areas that are unreachable by 3-axis machining, on the Multi-Axis tab, select the Use Multi-Axis checkbox to create a multi-axis geodesic toolpath.

      Note: You require access to the Fusion Manufacturing Extension to use the Multi-Axis tab.
  5. Click OK.

The toolpath is generated.

geodesic toolpath- example