Tilt Angle override

Fusion Manufacturing Extension

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When using a non-vertical Primary Mode setting, the tool axis may tilt excessively as it tries to machine a certain area of your model. Excessive tilting of the tool axis can result in an undesired surface finish.

For example, a setting of Lead and Lean = 0 always attempts to keep the tool perpendicular to the underlying geometry, which can cause excessive tilting if there are sudden changes in geometry.

tool constantly tilting over a changing surface

Excessive tool axis tilting using Lead and Lean = 0

To maintain a high-quality surface finish, it may become important to lock a rotational axis of your machine tool to avoid the tool tilting excessively. Selecting the Override Tilt Angle checkbox and specifying a Preferred Angle results in locking a rotational axis of the machine tool, which means the tilting motion of the tool is reduced and the tool axis stays at the Preferred Angle away from the Reference Z.

steep and shallow dialog with override tilt setting of 45 degrees

tool maintains a constant tilt

How Override Tilt Angle works

When you select Override Tilt Angle and specify a Preferred Angle, the preferred angle you specify is measured from the Reference Z. The Reference Z can be the tool orientation Z axis or the setup Z axis.

conical region around tool axis

The Preferred Angle can be thought of as a conical boundary around the Reference Z. A Preferred Angle of 45 degrees creates a conical boundary whereby the tool can sit anywhere on the edge of this boundary, as long as the tool is 45 degrees away from the Reference Z.

conical region around tool axis
1 - Reference Z

To determine where the tool sits on the conical boundary, nonvertical Primary Mode settings provide an initial position, after which the tool axis moves to align with the edge on the conical boundary that it is closest to.