Simulate Additive Toolpath reference

Display controls and information

Preview mode
Mode Switch between showing all calculated layers up to the current one, or the current one only.
Layers Adjust the interval of layers to be calculated. Switch between every layer, every second, fifth, tenth, or hundredth layer to calculate.
Animation Choose between animating only the current layer (animation stops when the toolpath is complete) or all layers in succession until the last one is reached.
Calculate Click Recalculate to rerun toolpath simulation with the current Preview mode settings.
Layer count Number of layers in the entire build job
Current height Z distance to the platform the layer has that is currently being animated
Support volume This is the volume under the supported downskin areas. MPBF only
Current layer Displays which layer is being displayed. Also, editing this field jumps directly to the layer you enter.
Close Leaves toolpath simulation and switches the toolpath display off

Replay controls

beginning of toolpath iconend of toolpath icon Go to beginning/end of toolpath Jumps to the beginning of the first layer or the beginning of the last one, respectively.
previous operation iconnext operation icon Go to previous/next operation Finishes the current layer and proceeds to the start of the next one.
previous move iconnext move icon Go to previous/next move Draws the next step. The step size is determined by the speed slider.
start simulation iconpause simulation icon Start/Pause the simulation Starts and pauses the animation, respectively. Changing settings that affect the display style, such as Build all layers, do not come into effect immediately, only when paused and restarted.
speed icon Speed This slider controls how much of the toolpath is drawn at once, effectively governing the replay speed. At the lowest speed, only one single line is drawn per step.
slice progress icon Slice progress Shows the overall progress within the entire slice stack. Click into this bar to jump to the desired progress.

You can also click and drag the arrow to shift through the layers directly:

fff toolpath preview arrow

Toolpath colors

The toolpath is color-coded to identify which elements are being drawn.

For MPBF, the toolpath types and their colors are:

toolpath color swatch Part Part
toolpath color swatch Supports Supports

For FFF, the toolpath types and their colors are:

toolpath color swatch Supports Supports
toolpath color swatch Outer perimeter Outer perimeter
toolpath color swatch Inner perimeter Inner perimeter
toolpath color swatch Infill Infill
toolpath color swatch Bridge Bridge
toolpath color swatch Raft Raft
toolpath color swatch Skirt/Brim Skirt/Brim

For both, a legend is displayed at the bottom right during toolpath simulation, showing the relevant colors:

additive toolpath color legend

This example shows the FFF legend.

Note: This feature is available only when you select an additive machine with FFF, MPBF, or DED capabilities.