Generate a Turning Face toolpath

  1. On the Manufacture workspace toolbar, click Turning > Turning > Turning Face turning face icon.

    The Turning Face dialog opens.

  2. On the Tool tab, click Select to pick a tool. If you have not created a tool to use, in the left panel of the Tool Library dialog, pick a tool from the Fusion Library, the Turning Tools library.

    Tip: A right handed tool is the most common selection for this toolpath.

    Select a tool

    Note: Under most conditions, there is no need to make any geometry selection. The Face toolpath will cut the Model Front.
  3. On the Radii tab, adjust the area to machine in X. Set the start point of a cut on the Outer Radius and the end point of a cut on the Inner Radius.

  4. On the Passes tab, select tool's Direction to use.

  5. Optional steps:

    • To cut past the centerline, go to the Radii tab, adjust the Distance to Cut Below Inner Radius value.

    • On the Passes tab Use Reduced Feed can reduce the tool pressure, before reaching the end of the cut.

    • Use the Multiple Passes parameter if there is a large amount of stock on the front of the part.

  6. Click OK.

The toolpath looks as follows.

turning face strategy

Turning Face taking several cuts from the front.