Copy Configured Designs and Configurations

Learn how to create copies of Configured Designs and Configurations in Fusion.

Copy a Configured Design from the Data Panel

  1. In the Data Panel, right-click the design.

  2. Click Copy.

    The Copy to dialog displays.

  3. In the dialog, select the project or folder to copy to.

  4. Optional: Click New Folder to create a folder within the selected project.

  5. Optional: Click New Folder or New Project to create and select a new folder or project as the location.

  6. Click Copy.

A copy of the latest version of the Configured Design saves as V1 and displays in the new location.

Save Configured Design As

  1. In the Browser, right-click the Default Component.

  2. Click Save Configured Design As.

    The Save Configured Design As dialog displays.

  3. Select the project or folder to copy to.

  4. Enter a new name.

  5. Click Save.

A copy of the latest version of the Configured Design saves as a new Configured Design document and displays in the new location.

Save a copy of the active Configuration from the Browser

  1. In the Browser, right-click the Default Component.

  2. Click Save Configuration As.

    The Save Configuration As dialog displays.

  3. Select the project or folder to copy to.

  4. Enter a new name.

  5. Click Save.

A copy of the latest version of the active Configuration saves as a new Standard Design document in the selected location. This excludes related data from other environments.

Save a copy of a Configured Component from the Browser

  1. In the Browser, right-click a Configured Component that has been inserted into an assembly.

  2. Select Save Configuration As.

    The Save Configuration As dialog displays.

  3. Rename or accept the default name.

  4. Select a location.

  5. Click Save.

Saves the latest version of the active Configuration as a separate Standard Design document in the selected location. This excludes related data from other environments.

Save a copy of a Configured Component from the Browser and replace it

  1. In the Browser, right-click a Configured Component inserted into an assembly.

  2. Select Save As And Replace.

    The Save As And Replace dialog displays.

  3. Rename or accept the default name.

  4. Select a location.

  5. Optional: Check Replace All Instances to replace all identical instances in the assembly.

  6. Click Save.

Saves the latest version of the active Configuration as a separate Standard Design document as V1 in the selected location, then replaces the external component with the new Standard Design.

Save a copy of a Configured Design from the File menu

  1. In the File menu, select Save As.

    The Save As dialog displays.

  2. Rename or accept the default name.

  3. Select a location.

  4. Click Save.