Configured Designs

A Configured Design configured design icon is a Fusion design document that contains two or more Configurations of the design that you define in a Configuration Table.

You can create a Configured Design from scratch or convert an existing design.

Convert Standard Designs to Configured Designs

When you convert a Standard Design to a Configured Design, the Standard Design:

To back up or access the original Standard Design:

Version history

Version history is tracked separately for a Configured Design and each of its Configurations.

Whenever you save a Configured Design:

configured design versions

You can reference any version of a Configuration in other documents:


When you create a Milestone for a Configured Design version:

You can only create Milestones from Configured Design versions, not individual Configurations.


When you insert a Configured Design, you can choose from a list of Configurations that exist in the latest version of the Configured Design.

If there are Milestone versions, the latest Milestone version of the selected Configuration is inserted. Otherwise the latest version of the Configuration is inserted.

Export Configured Designs

You can export:

Note: You can export a Configured Design that contains a Configured Component, as long as its Insert feature is not configured. The Configured Component is exported as a standard design.

Delete Configured Designs

You can only delete a Configured Design if none of its Configurations are:
