Export Configured Designs and Configurations

Learn how to export Configured Designs and Configurations in Fusion.

Export a Configured Design

  1. Open a Configured Design.

  2. On the application bar, expand the File menu.

  3. Click Export.

    The Export dialog displays.

  4. Select Configured Design.

  5. Rename or accept the default name.

  6. Select the Location to export the document.

  7. Click Export.

The latest version of the Configured Design exports as a separate Configured Design (*.f3z) document and is saved to your device.

Export the active Configuration as a Standard Design

  1. Open a Configured Design.

  2. Expand the File menu.

  3. Click Export.

    The Export dialog displays.

  4. Select Active Configuration.

  5. Enter a name for the design.

  6. Select the document Type.

  7. Select the Location to export the document.

  8. Click Export.

The active Configuration exports as the document type you selected in the specified locations.

Export a Configured Component from an assembly as a Standard Design

  1. In the Browser, right-click a Configured Component.
  2. Select Export.
  3. Enter a name for the design.
  4. Select the document Type.
  5. Select the Location to export the document.
  6. Click Export.

The Configured Component exports a Standard Design copy of the Configuration, as the document type you selected in the specified location.
