Learn how to configure the Snap and Flip aspects of a joint for configurations in Fusion.
In the Timeline, select a joint feature:
The Configure dialog displays.
Check aspects to add them to the table:
Click OK.
A column for each configured aspect is added to the Configuration Table.
In the Configuration Table, activate the configuration where you want to add a new snap.
In the Snap column, expand the list of snaps for the active configuration.
Click Add Snap.
The Add Snap dialog displays.
In the dialog, enter a unique Snap Name.
Optional: Select a different Origin Mode.
In the canvas, select a Snap point on any valid geometry.
A preview of the new location display in the canvas.
Click OK.
The component snaps to its new location and the Snap column updates to the new value in the Configuration Table.
The configured snap updates for the configurations you changed. If you update the snap for the active configuration, the design updates in the canvas. If the column is in a custom theme table, the snap updates for every configuration that uses the themes you edited.
In the Configuration Table, locate the Flip column for the joint you want to edit.
For each row, click the Flip button to change the flip state:
The configured flip state updates for the configurations you changed. If you update the flip state for the active configuration, the design updates in the canvas. If the column is in a custom theme table, the flip state updates for every configuration that uses the themes you edited.
In the Configuration Table, activate a configuration where the snap is selected.
In the Snap column, expand the list of snaps for the active configuration.
Hover over the snap you want to edit.
Click Edit Snap .
The Add Snap dialog displays.
In the dialog, edit the details of the snap:
Click OK.
The changes to the snap definition update in the canvas and the Configuration Table.
The snap definition is deleted from the list of snaps.