Create balloons

Learn how to use the Balloon command to create balloons on a sheet to identify components in a drawing view in the Drawing workspace in Fusion.

  1. Select Tables > Balloon balloon icon.

    The Balloon dialog displays.

  2. In the Balloon dialog, select a balloon Type:

    • standard balloon icon Standard: Creates a leader with a straight line.
    • patent balloon icon Patent: Creates a leader with a curves spline.
  3. Select an edge of the component to identify in a drawing view.

  4. For Patent type balloons, click to place the bend point for the leader.

  5. Click to place the balloon.

  6. Optional: Repeat 3-4 to place additional balloons.

  7. Press Esc to complete the Balloon command.

The balloons display on the sheet and point to the components. The numbers in the balloons match the Item numbers for each component in the parts list.

Note: When you create a parts list, some balloons are automatically added to the associated views. You can add, delete, move, or re-associate balloons after you create a parts list.