In the Drawing workspace in Fusion, you can use the commands in the Tables panel on the toolbar to create tables in a drawing as you document your design. You can also add balloons or bend identifiers to label components in the design as they appear in the table.
You can use the following commands to create and modify tables, balloons, and bend identifiers on a sheet:
The Table command automatically creates a parts list or bend table, based on the contents of the current sheet, or you can select a specific table type in the dialog.
You can create 3 types of tables on a sheet:
Parts lists are created for component, assembly, and animation references. Bend tables are created for sheet metal flat pattern references.
key.The Custom Table command creates a table with empty cells that you manually populate.
You place the table on the sheet, then adjust the table direction, text alignment, number of columns, and number of rows.
The Parts List command creates a table that automatically populates cells with information about an assembly, storyboard, component, or sheet metal component reference.
A Parts List is a table that itemizes the components in a design. Each row can include the following information about a component:
You select a view, select the structure, place the table on the sheet, then adjust the table direction and columns. Balloons are automatically added to associated views.
When you create a parts list, you can select from 2 Structure settings:
You can modify the part number and description of a component in the Design workspace. In the Browser, right-click the component, select properties, and edit the values in the Properties dialog.
If you change the properties of a component in the Design workspace, the changes are applied to the parts list the next time you update the drawing. Item numbers are assigned to components in the order in which they were created.
You can suppress components to remove them from the parts list. In the Drawing workspace, locate the component in the Browser, then uncheck the Suppress box to suppress the component. The component is hidden from the associated views and removed from the parts list.
The Balloon command creates balloons to identify components in an assembly as they appear in a parts list.
You can create 2 types of balloons:
The Bend Table command creates a table that automatically populates cells with information about each sheet metal bend in a flat pattern reference.
You select a flat pattern view, then place the bend table on the sheet. Bend identifiers are automatically added to the view.
The Bend Identifier command creates bend identifier labels to identify the centerlines of sheet metal bends in a flat pattern as they appear in a bend table.
The Hole Table command creates a table that automatically populates cells with information about each hole in a view.
Hole tables follow the drawing standard you’ve selected and populate the appropriate dimensions and standard of annotation.
Hole tables require an origin. You can either place a new one when the Hole Table command asks you to, or it can be an existing origin that was placed with ordinate dimensions. Each view require its own origin.
The Revision History command creates a history revision table for the active sheet.
The Revision Marker command creates non-associative and associative revision markers with and without a leader.
The Revision Cloud command creates closed polylines that form cloud-shaped objects consisting of arc segments.
You can use revision clouds to call attention to specific changes or portions of each drawing.
The Renumber command renumbers balloons on a sheet.
The Align Balloons command aligns balloons on a sheet.