Create revision clouds

Create a new revision cloud

Learn how to use the Revision Cloud command to create cloud-shaped objects to call attention to specific changes or portions of each drawing in the Drawing workspace in Fusion.

  1. Select Tables > Revision Cloud revision cloud icon.
  2. Click to specify the first point of the revision cloud.
  3. Click to specify the next point of the revision cloud.
  4. Optionally, keep specifying the points of the revision cloud.
  5. Press Enter or click the green check-mark to complete the Revision Cloud command.

The revision cloud displays on the sheet.

Note: The revision cloud doesn't move with the view, it is basically a sketch that's placed on top of the drawing.

Edit a revision cloud

  1. Click to select the revision cloud you want to edit.
  2. Use the grey grips to modify the revision cloud's size and look.
  3. Click outside the cloud to finish editing.

revision cloud