Export to PDF

Learn how to use the Export PDF command in the Drawing workspace in Fusion to export the sheets in a drawing as a PDF file.

  1. On the toolbar, select Export > Export PDF output pdf icon.

    The Export PDF dialog displays.

  2. In the Export PDF dialog, select the Sheets to print:

    • Current Sheet: Exports only the current sheet.
    • Selected Sheets: Exports only sheets you have selected.
      • Press Ctrl to select multiple sheets from the Sheet Bar before you select Export PDF.
    • Range: Exports a range of sheets that you specify.
      • Define Range: Specify the range of sheets to print.
    • All Sheets: Exports all sheets in the drawing.
  3. Optional: Check Open PDF to open the PDF file when the export is complete.

  4. Optional: Uncheck Lineweights to export with a thin, uniform lineweight.

  5. Click OK.

    Another Export PDF dialog displays.

  6. Navigate to the location to save the PDF file.

  7. In the File Name box, enter a file name.

  8. Click Save.

The PDF file is saved to the location you specified. If you checked the Open PDF setting, the PDF opens automatically.

Note: You can also use the File > Print command on the Application Bar to print sheets in a drawing directly to a printer.