In the Title Blocks dialog, you can switch the title block for the current sheet and rename or delete any custom title blocks in a drawing in the Drawing workspace in Fusion.
If you plan to reuse title blocks, borders, document settings, or sheet settings across multiple drawings, create a drawing template to save time and apply consistent standards. You can also create placeholder views and placeholder tables that automatically generate drawing views and part lists from the referenced design when you use the template to create a new drawing.
When you create a drawing using the From Scratch option, default sheet settings are based on the preferences you set in the Fusion Preferences dialog.
In the Sheet Bar, select a sheet. In the browser, expand the Sheet Settings node, then click the icon next to Title Blocks, and the Title BLocks dialog displays.
Each title block in the drawing appears in the list of title blocks.
You cannot rename or delete the default title block in the drawing.