Edit Parts List reference

In the Edit Parts List dialog, you can edit the structure, table direction, and columns of a parts list on a sheet in the Drawing workspace in Fusion.

Access the Edit Parts List dialog

On the current sheet, double-click a parts list.


Select the structure of the parts list.

Table Direction

Select the direction that the table rows are ordered.

Up Down
table up example table down example


Select the desired option for the mass units and mass precision.


Select the mass units from the dropdown.

mass units.

Mass Precision

Select the mass precision from the dropdown.

mass precision


Select which columns to display in the parts list and adjust the order of the columns.

Check the box next to a column to include it in the parts list.

Uncheck the box next to a column to exclude it from the parts list.

Click the Up arrow to move the selected column left in parts list.

Click the Down arrow to move the selected column right in parts list.

table columns example

Fusion Manage Extension

This feature is part of an extension. Extensions are a flexible way to access additional capabilities in Fusion. Learn more.