Create geometry in a title block

Learn how to create geometry in a title block.

In the Drawing workspace, select the title block, right-click, then select Edit Title Block to enter the Title Block contextual environment.

Note: If the New Title Block displays first, you need to create a new title block before you can modify it.

If you plan to reuse title blocks, borders, document settings, or sheet settings across multiple drawings, create a drawing template to save time and apply consistent standards. You can also create placeholder views and placeholder tables that automatically generate drawing views and part lists from the referenced design when you use the template to create a new drawing.

Create a Line

  1. On the toolbar, select Geometry > Line line icon.

  2. Click to specify the first point.

  3. Click to specify another point.

    • Click to specify a third point, which creates a second line connected to the first, or
    • Press Enter to complete the first line and start a second separate line.
  4. Press Esc to exit the Line command.

Note: If you press Enter, but you want to connect your next line to the end of the one you just completed, press Enter again, and the next line will start at the last end point you specify.

Create a 2-Point Rectangle

  1. On the toolbar, select Geometry > 2-Point Rectangle 2-point rectangle icon.
  2. Click to specify the first corner.
  3. Click to specify the opposite corner.
  4. Press Enter or Esc to exit the 2-Point Rectangle command.

Create a Center Radius Circle

  1. On the toolbar, select Geometry > Center Radius Circle center radius circle icon.
  2. Click to specify the center point.
  3. Click to specify the radius.

Create a 3-Point Arc

  1. On the toolbar, select Geometry > 3-Point Arc 2-point arc icon.

  2. Click to specify the start point.

  3. Click to specify the end point.

  4. Click to specify the tangent direction.

    • Click anywhere to specify the start point for a second separate arc, or
    • Press Enter to start a second arc from the endpoint of the first arc.
  5. Press Esc to exit the 3-Point Arc command.