Object snaps (Drawing workspace)

Specify precise points on objects.

Object snaps allow you to specify precise points on objects whenever you are prompted for a point during commands like Dimension, Section View, Move, etc.

Object snaps can be accessed via the marking (right-click) menu.

object snap example

These object snaps are:

Object Snaps Description
Endpoint Specifies the end point of an edge.
Midpoint Specifies the midpoint of an edge.
Intersection Specifies the intersection of 2 edges.
Center Specifies the center point of a circular or an arc edge.
Quadrant Specifies the quadrant of a circular or an arc edge.
Tangent Specifies the tangent point on a circular or an arc edge.
Point Specifies a point within sketch (reference) geometry.
Curve X/Y Min/Max Specifies the furthest (horizontal or vertical) point of a curved edge.
Note: To locate precise points, use object snap tracking. Hover over an object snap location and track out along a line.

non-ortho tracking diagram
