Insert an image into a title block

Learn how to insert an image into a title block in Fusion.

title block example - insert image

In the Drawing workspace, select the title block, right-click, then select Edit Title Block to enter the Title Block contextual environment.

Note: If the New Title Block displays first, you need to create a new title block before you can modify it.

If you plan to reuse title blocks, borders, document settings, or sheet settings across multiple drawings, create a drawing template to save time and apply consistent standards. You can also create placeholder views and placeholder tables that automatically generate drawing views and part lists from the referenced design when you use the template to create a new drawing.

Insert an image into a title block

  1. On the toolbar, select Insert > Image image icon.

  2. In the Insert dialog, select an image.

  3. Click Insert.

    The Image dialog displays.

  4. Click in the canvas to place the lower left corner of image.

    Note: The image is first scaled to fit within the image box in the default title block.
  5. In the Image dialog, adjust the image distance, rotation angle, and scale settings.

  6. Click OK.