Activity 1: Create a new drawing
In this activity, you:
- Save the model.
- Initiate a new drawing.
- Place a base view.
- Fusion is started.
- Data file location: Samples > Basic Training > 08 - Drawings > Grinder_Vise.
A drawing view is an object that contains a 2D projection of a 3D model.
Save the Model.
With the Grinder_Vise design open, do the following:
If the model is "Read Only" (indicated in the title bar), click File > Save As.

The Save as command is located under the File drop-down list.
Note: Even if a model is not "Read Only," you may wish to use the Save As command to preserve the original version of the model. Though a history of revisions is maintained, and you can revert to the original configuration, you might want to keep your changes confined to a new and separate version of the model.
Optional: Create a new Project to store your training models. Click + Project to do so, specify the project name, and press Enter
. After a short pause, the new project becomes the active project, and a blank file list appears on the right side of the Save dialog.
Optional: Create a new folder within the project to store your training models. Click + Folder to do so, specify a folder name, and press Enter
. Double-click the new folder to make it the current file saving location.
Click Save.
Initiate a New Drawing.
With the Grinder_Vise design open, do the following:
- Click on the Design icon on the left of the toolbar to view other available workspaces.
- Move your cursor onto the Drawing workspace from the drop-down list.
- Select From Design from the Drawing drop-down list.

The From Design command is located under the Drawing drop-down list.
Choose the Assembly.
- Select the Full Assembly option in the dialog (if it is not already selected).
- Select ASME from the Drawing Format drop-down list.
- Select in from the Units drop-down list.
- Ensure that the B (17in x 11in) option is selected for the Sheet Size.
- Click OK to initiate the drawing. Notice that a new file tab is automatically generated.

The Create drawing dialog.
Note: If you don't select Full Assembly in the New Drawing dialog, you can select individual or multiple components to create a drawing of part of the assembly.
Tip: Hold Ctrl+click when selecting multiple components.
You can set the drawing format, units, and sheet size before you create a drawing. However, you cannot change the drawing format or units after you create the new drawing.
Commit a Base View.
- Move your cursor around the screen. Notice that the Base View preview is attached to the cursor.
- Click on the bottom left quadrant of the sheet to place the view.
- Click OK to commit the view.

Note: After the view is committed, the shaded preview matures into a 2D line drawing of the view.

A 2D line drawing of the base view.
Activity 1 summary
In this activity, you:
- Saved the Grinder_Vise model to a personal folder.
- Initiated a new drawing.
- Placed a base view.