Perform a workflow action

Fusion Manage Extension

This feature is part of an extension. Extensions are a flexible way to access additional capabilities in Fusion. Learn more.

You can move a change order through the workflow using either the Workflow Actions menu in the change order header or the Approval Workflow tab.

  1. On the change order header, click Workflow actions. The actions available to you depend on whether you are the owner, an approver, or a reviewer.
  2. Select a workflow action.
  3. Enter a comment. Comments display in the workflow history.
  4. Click OK.

Perform a workflow action on the workflow map

  1. On the change order, click the Approval Workflow tab. The workflow map displays the current state of the change order.
  2. Click a workflow state to see which actions are available to team members in that workflow state.
  3. Click the workflow path to send the change order along that path.
  4. Enter a comment. Comments show in the workflow history.
  5. Click OK.