Determine appropriate draft angle

Learn how to use the Draft Analysis command to determine the appropriate draft angle on a body for manufacturability in Fusion.

Create a draft analysis

  1. On the toolbar, select Inspect > Draft Analysis.

    The Draft Analysis dialog displays.

  2. In the canvas, select the body to analyze.

  3. In the dialog, click Direction.

  4. In the canvas, select an edge, axis, or face to identify the pull direction.

  5. Adjust the Draft Angle sliders.

  6. Adjust the Tolerance Zone sliders to specify the tolerance.

  7. Optional: Adjust the Opacity slider.

  8. Optional: Check High Quality to display a better quality result.

  9. Click OK.

In the browser, the Draft Analysis result displays in the Analysis folder. Click the visibility icon in the browser to show visible icon or hide hidden icon the analysis.

Edit a draft analysis

  1. In the Browser, expand the Analysis folder.
  2. Right-click the analysis, then click Edit.
  3. In the dialog, adjust the selection set and settings.
  4. Click OK.
