Background Canvas reference

Background Canvas lets you place an image in the 3D space. The image will be placed in the center of current view and is oriented relative to the active camera.

Design > Insert > Background Canvas background canvas icon

Select Image

Browse to the image to insert.

Canvas Opacity

Set the opacity of the image.

Display Through

Allows the image to bleed through components and bodies.

X Distance

Specify a distance to move in the X direction.

Y Distance

Specify a distance to move in the Y direction.

Z Distance

Specify a distance to move in the Z direction.

X Angle

Specify a value to rotate around the X axis.

Y Angle

Specify a value to rotate around the Y axis.

Z Angle

Specify a value to rotate around the Z axis.

Scale X

Specify a scale value in the X direction.

Scale Y

Specify a scale value in the Y direction.

Scale Plane XY

Specify a scale in the XY plane. Use this scale value to maintain the aspect ratio of the image.

Horizontal Flip

Mirror the image horizontally.

Vertical Flip

Mirror the image vertically.