Combine solid bodies
Learn how to use the Combine command to join, cut, or intersect solid bodies in Fusion.
Click Design > Solid > Modify > Combine .
The Combine dialog displays.
In the canvas, select the Target Body.
Select Tool Bodies.
In the dialog, select the Operation:
- Join: Combines solid bodies into a single solid body.
- Cut: Removes the volume of Tool Bodies from the Target Body.
- Intersect: Keeps overlapping volumes and combines them into a single solid body.
Optional: Check New Component to create a new component from the result.
Optional: Check Keep Tools to keep the Tool Bodies after the solid bodies are combined.
Click OK.
The combined solid body displays in the canvas.
Note: The Target Body is the solid body being modified. Tool Bodies modify the Target Body.
- Check New Component to create a new internal component in the assembly to contain the combined result.
- Check Keep Tools to preserve a copy of the tool bodies in the design.
- If the combined result is hidden behind the tool bodies in the canvas, locate the tool bodies in the Browser and hide them.