This topic is relevant to those who are a part of a hub where fasteners were inserted to any design in the hub before May 14, 2024.
All fasteners are stored in the Fasteners project. There can only be one Fasteners project in a hub and it is automatically created when any user eligible to create new project inserts a fastener to any design in the hub using the Insert Fastener command.
Before another hub member is able to insert a fastener, edit an existing fastener, or open a design containing fasteners, the following action is necessary depending on your role in the hub:
Hub Administrator: Invite all people from the hub to the Fasteners project granting them at least the Editor role.
Hub Member who inserted the first fastener in the hub, thus Project Administrator: Invite all people from the hub including the hub Administrator to the Fasteners project granting them at least the Editor role.
Project Contributor: Ask the Project Administrator to invite you to the Fasteners project.
Click here to learn how to administer hub members and roles, or here to learn how to manage people in projects.