Create a lip and groove

Learn how to use the Lip tool to create a lip, groove, or combined feature on one or two solid bodies in Fusion.

Fusion Design Extension

This feature is part of an extension. Extensions are a flexible way to access additional capabilities in Fusion. Learn more.

lip example

  1. On the Design toolbar, select Plastic > Create > lip and groove icon Lip.

    The Lip dialog displays.

  2. In the canvas, select one or more tangent edges on a solid body to define the path for the lip or groove.

  3. Select a Type:

    • lip icon Lip: Creates a raised lip feature on a solid body.
    • groove icon Groove: Creates a recessed groove feature on a solid body.
    • lip and groove icon Lip And Groove: Creates a lip feature with a lip and groove on a pair of solid bodies.
  4. Optional: Adjust the Visibility of the bodies you are working with.

    • visibility body 2 icon Side 1 Transparency: Reduces the opacity of the side 1 body while you edit the feature.
    • visibility body 1 icon Side 2 Transparency: Reduces the opacity of the side 2 body while you edit the feature.
  5. Choose a Guide Type then select it's corresponding guide geometry.

    • face guide icon Face Guide: Select a face on either side of the selected edge to locate the feature.
    • pull direction icon Pull Direction: Select a plane or face to define the pull direction.

    A preview of the lip, groove, or lip and groove feature displays in the canvas.

  6. Optional: flip icon Flip the feature to the other body.

  7. Optional: Define one or two Extents and choose a result:

    • Select one or two points, vertexes, faces, or planes to extend to.
    • Then choose an Extent Result from the possible outcomes based on the extents that you select.
  8. Optional: On the parameters icon Advanced tab, adjust the feature dimensions.

  9. Click OK.

The lip, groove, or lip and groove feature displays on the solid body in the canvas.

lip animation
