Activity 3: Trim away extraneous surfaces

In this activity, you trim away all the surfaces that are not needed in the final design. You



  1. Trim away the stem, where it extends into the shovel face.

    1. Click trim icon (Design workspace > Surface tab > Modify panel > Trim) to open the Trim dialog.
    2. In the canvas, select the shovel face as the Trim Tool, then click on the piece of the shaft that extends into the shovel face.

      trim shaft image
    3. In the Trim dialog, click OK to trim away the excess shaft and close the dialog.
  2. Trim away the circular bit of the face to punch out the hole where it meets the shaft.

    1. Click trim icon (Design workspace > Surface tab > Modify panel > Trim) to open the Trim dialog.
    2. In the canvas, select the shaft as the Trim Tool, then click on the circular piece of the face where it meets the shaft.

      punch hole image
    3. In the Trim dialog, click OK to punch out the hole and close the dialog.
  3. Trim away the front of the face, using the line and arc sketch to shorten the face and create a flat edge.

    1. Click trim icon (Design workspace > Surface tab > Modify panel > Trim) to open the Trim dialog.
    2. In the canvas, select the sketch at the front of the face as the Trim Tool, then click on the front edge of the face to trim it away.

      trim front image
    3. In the Trim dialog, click OK to shorten the shovel face and close the dialog.
  4. Hide the front edge sketch, so it's not in the way.

    1. In the Browser, expand folder icon Sketches
    2. Click visibility on icon next to the folder icon Sketch2, to hide the sketch.

Activity 3 summary

In this activity, you trimmed away all the surfaces that are not needed in the final design. You trimmed the