The Patch command creates a surface, also called a boundary patch, that replaces a missing face on a surface or solid body in Fusion.
Design > Surface > Create > Patch
Select geometry and define the patch settings.
Select the edges that surround the area to be patched.
Check to group all selected edges together and control Continuity and Tangency Weight for all edges at once. Uncheck to list each edge in the dialog and control Continuity and Tangency Weight separately for each edge.
Continuity controls the transition between the patch and the selected edges.
Increase or decrease the scale of tangency weight.
Defines patch interior constraints.
When selected, clicking a single edge selects all adjacent edges.
Select an operation to control how the feature affects the design.
Lets you analyze the quality of surface curvature on the previewed result in the canvas.
Select an analysis type to visualize the quality of surface curvature on the selected body.
Type | Description |
None | Displays no analysis. |
Zebra | Displays alternating black and white stripes on a body to help you analyze surface curvature. |
Curvature Map | Displays a color gradient on a body to help you analyze areas of high and low surface curvature. |
Isocurve | Applies UV mapping and curvature combs to help you analyze the quality of the surface curvature. |
Select bodies to analyze.