Create a ruled surface body

Use the Ruled command to create a ruled surface at a specified distance and angle from selected edges in Fusion.

ruled surface example

  1. Click Design > Surface > Create > Ruled ruled icon.

    The Ruled dialog displays.

  2. Select edges on a solid body, surface body, or sketch to extend the ruled surface from.

  3. On the Feature tab in the Ruled dialog, select the ruled surface type:

    • Normal: Creates a ruled surface normal to the face of the selected edges.
    • Tangent: Creates a ruled surface tangent to the face of the selected edges.
    • Direction: Creates a ruled surface in a direction that you select.
  4. Specify the Distance and Angle to extend the ruled surface:

    • Use the distance and angle manipulator handles in the canvas.
    • Enter exact values in the dialog.
  5. Select an Operation:

    • New Body
    • New Component
  6. Optional: On the Analysis tab, select an Analysis Type to analyze the previewed result in context:

    • None: Displays no analysis.
    • Zebra: Displays alternating black and white stripes on a body to help you analyze surface curvature.
    • Curvature Map: Displays a color gradient on a body to help you analyze areas of high and low surface curvature.
    • Isocurve Analysis: Applies UV mapping and curvature combs to help you analyze the quality of the surface curvature.
  7. Click OK.

The ruled surface body displays in the canvas.
