Create a primitive T-Spline torus

Learn how to use the Torus command to create a T-Spline body in the shape of a primitive torus in Fusion.

torus example

  1. In the Design workspace, Form contextual environment, select Create > Torus torus icon.

    The Torus dialog displays.

  2. In the canvas, select a plane or planar face.

  3. Click to place a center point on the plane.

  4. Click or enter an exact value to specify the Diameter of the torus.

    A preview of the T-Spline body displays in the canvas.

  5. Specify Diameter 2 of the torus:

    • Drag the distance manipulator handle in the canvas.
    • Enter an exact value in the dialog.
  6. Specify the number of Diameter 1 Faces and Diameter 2 Faces on the torus:

    • Drag the quantity manipulator handles in the canvas.
    • Enter exact values in the dialog.
  7. Select a Symmetry option:

    • None
    • Mirror: Adds mirror symmetry to the torus for future edits.
      • Length Symmetry: Mirrors along the X axis.
      • Width Symmetry: Mirrors along the Z axis.
      • Height Symmetry: Mirrors along the Y axis.
    • Circular: Adds circular symmetry to the torus for future edits.
      • Symmetric Faces: Specify the number of symmetric faces around the axis of the torus.
  8. Select an Operation option:

    • New Body
    • New Component (Direct Modeling mode only)
  9. Click OK.

The torus primitive displays in the canvas.