Edit By Curve reference

Edit By Curve manipulates T-Spline edges using a driving curve in the Form contextual environment in Fusion.

Design > Form > Modify > Edit By Curve edit by curve icon

T-Spline Edges

Select edges on the T-Spline body.

Curve Control Points

Select the control points to modify.


Select the degree of the driving curve from 1 to 7.


Select the distribution type for the control points of the driving curve.

Distribution Definition
Uniform Control points are distributed uniformly along the curve.
Edge Length Control points are distributed in proportion to the lengths of the selected T-Spline edges.

Planar Curve

Check to create the driving curve on a best fit plane.

Curve Fit

Select a curve fit option.

Curve Fit Definition
Control Points Fits control points of selected edges to the driving curve.
Surface Points Fits vertices on the smooth surface to the driving curve.

Numerical Inputs

Use the distance, planar, scale, and rotation manipulator handles in the canvas to adjust the following inputs for the selected control points.