The tools in the Design workspace, Form contextual environment, on the Modify panel let you modify T-Spline bodies in Fusion.
You can use the following commands to modify a T-Spline body:
The Edit Form command moves, rotates, and scales T-Spline geometry. The exact behavior depends on the selected geometry.
Select faces, edges, or vertices to enable the manipulator. Double click a face or edge to select a loop.
Hold the Alt
key and drag a manipulator to insert new geometry based on the action.
The Edit By Curve command manipulates T-Spline edges using a driving curve.
Select edges to create a driving curve. Move the control points to adjust the shape of the T-Spline edges.
The Insert Edge command moves the selected edge along the control polygon.
Select an edge or double click to select a loop, then specify the position of the new edge.
Set Insertion Mode to Exact to insert the edge without changing the shape of the T-Spline, however this will add more faces to maintain the shape.
The Subdivide command divides one or more faces into a subset of faces.
Select the faces to divide. Hold Ctrl
(Windows) or Command
(MacOS) to select multiple faces.
Enable the Specify option and set the number of faces that are added.
The Insert Point command inserts an edge by selecting two points.
Select a point on an edge to start. Continue selecting points on additional edges to divide multiple faces.
Slide the pointer along the edge until a red dot is shown, this is the midpoint of the edge. Set Insertion Mode to Exact to insert the point without changing the shape of the T-Spline body. This will add more faces to maintain the shape.
The Merge Edge command aligns the first set of selected edges to a second set of selected edges.
Select the first set of edges then the second set of edges.
Use Merge Edge in place of Weld Vertices when connecting multiple vertices along the selected edges.
The Bridge command creates segments to connect two opposing faces within a body or between two bodies.
Select the first set of edges then select the second set of edges. The number of edges on each side must be equal to or a multiple of each other.
You can specify the number of faces between the edges. The Follow Curve option will use a sketch curve to influence the shape of the bridged faces.
The Fill Hole command fills an internal hole in T-Spline body.
Select the edge of the hole and set the fill type.
Fill Star will fill using a single face. Reduced Star will fill with mulitple faces to minimize star points. Collapse brings all vertices together at a single vertex.
The Erase and Fill command deletes a part of connected T-Spline geometry and fills new gaps with faces. You can use this to remove struts or bridges.
Select the faces to erase and set the fill type.
Fill Star will fill using a single face. Reduced Star will fill with multiple faces to minimize star points.
The Weld Vertices command joins two or more vertices.
Select two vertices to join. Window select vertices to weld within the specified tolerance.
Use the Weld Mode to weld the first vertex to the second or weld both selections to the midpoint.
The UnWeld Edges command disconnects an edge or loop.
Select an edge or double click to select a loop. Hold Ctrl
(Windows) or Command
(MacOS) to select multiple edges.
A darker line indicates that the edge has been unwelded and is no longer connected.
The Crease command creates a sharp edge between faces.
Select edges to crease.
Regions around star/cap points (highlighted yellow) will cause edge creases to end abruptly. Boundary corner vertices (indicated by yellow dots at the surface boundary) can also be creased and uncreased.
The UnCrease command restores previously creased edges to their original state.
Select creased edges to uncrease.
Regions around star/cap points (highlighted yellow) will cause edge creases to end abruptly. Boundary corner vertices (indicated by yellow dots at the surface boundary) can also be creased and uncreased.
The Bevel Edge command replaces a single edge with a specified number of adjacent edges.
Select the edges then specify the position of the bevel.
The closer you make the bevel the sharper the corner will appear. The segment settings adds more edges to the beveled region.
The Slide Edge command moves the selected edge along the control polygon.
Select the edges then specify the new position.
Slide the selected edge closer to another to make the transition between the two sharper.
The Smooth command smoothes an area of the T-Spline geometry.
Select the faces to smooth and adjust the smoothing rate to see results in real time.
The Cylindrify command forms uneven T-Spline geometry into a smooth cylindrical shape.
Select a face on the feature to cylindrify. The preview displays automatically in the canvas.
Cylindrify applies to all selected faces on a T-Spline body. You can select multiple strut or hole features on a T-Spline body at once, or uncheck Auto Feature Selection to select individual faces.
You can use Cylindrify to smooth uneven struts and holes from generative design results.
The Pull command snaps selected T-Spline vertices to a face or surface. The vertices could be control points or surface points.
Select the vertices to move and the vertices will automatically move to the nearest body.
Change the Target Select to specify targets. Set the Pull Type to move surface points or control points.
The Flatten command projects vertices to a best fit or user defined plane.
Select the direction type then select the vertices or tangency handles to flatten.
If you flatten linked tangency handles, they will unlink from their vertices.
The Straighten command straightens vertices to a best fit line, an existing line, or a line through two selected points.
Select the direction type, select a line or two points to define the line, then select the vertices or tangency handles to straighten.
If you straighten linked tangency handles, they will unlink from their vertices.
The Match command aligns the edges of a T-Spline body with sketch curves or edges on a solid or surface body.
Select the T-Spline edges, then select the sketch curves or edges on a solid or surface body to match.
Check Associative to create an associative relationship between the T-Spline geometry and the parametric solid, surface, or sketch geometry. When you modify the solid, surface, or sketch geometry in the parametric design environment, the T-Spline edges will adjust to maintain their relationship with the match edges.
The Interpolate command switches the location of the surface and the control points to improve fitting. Select whether to move the control points to the surface or the surface to the control points.
Select the body then set whether you are moving control points or surface points.
Interpolate is best used in conjunction with the Control Frame Display mode (Ctrl + 2).
The Thicken command creates a body offset.
Select the body then set the thickness and end treatments.
Thicken does not check for self intersections and may create surfaces that can not be converted to a solid body.
The Freeze command freezes faces and edges on the model to prevent accidental changes.
Select faces or edges to freeze.
Light blue edges represent user-frozen regions. Darker blue edges show the buffer regions that are automatically locked to prevent shape changes in the user-frozen regions.
The Unfreeze command unfreezes faces and edges that have previously been frozen.
Select faces or edges to unfreeze.
Light blue edges represent user-frozen regions. Darker blue edges show the buffer regions that are automatically locked to prevent shape changes in the user-frozen regions.