Loft reference (Form)

In the Form contextual environment, the Loft command creates a smooth T-Spline body that transitions between two or more sketch profiles or faces in Fusion.

Design > Form > Create > Loft loft icon - form

The Loft dialog displays options for the currently selected profile. Select the profile label in the graphics window to modify options for that profile.


Select the sketch, edge, or face for the profile.

reorder icon - Reorder Click to change the order of the profiles in the Loft.

End condition Controls the transition away from the start and end profiles of the Loft. The end conditions available depends on the type of geometry selected for the profile.

add selection icon Add Adds a row to the profile table.

remove icon Remove Removes the selected profile row.

Guide Type


add selection icon Add Adds a row the table.

remove icon Remove Removes the selected row from the table.

Chain Selection


Enable to connect the first and last profiles to create a closed Loft.

Takeoff Weight

Available when the end condition is set to Direction. Specifies the amount of influence the takeoff angle has along the Loft path.

Takeoff Angle

Available when the end condition is set to Direction. Specifies the start angle of the transition from the profile.

Tangency Weight

Available when the end condition is Tangent, Smooth, or Point Tangent.

Length Spacing

Controls how the number of faces is determined along the length of the Loft.


Available for Curvature type. Determines the number of faces required to keep the T-Spline Loft within the specified deviation.


Available for Uniform type. The specified number of faces are distributed evenly along the Loft.

Width Spacing

Controls how the faces are distributed around the profiles of the Loft.


Available for Curvature type. Determines the number of faces required to keep the T-Spline Loft within the specified deviation.


Available for Uniform type. The specified number of faces are distributed evenly around the Loft.


Specifies the effect the Loft has on the design.