Add internal circular symmetry to a T-Spline body

Learn how to use the Circular - Internal command to add internal circular symmetry within a T-Spline body in Fusion.

  1. In the Design workspace, Form contextual environment, select Symmetry > Mirror - Internal circular - internal icon.
  2. Select two faces on the T-Spline body.
  3. Select one of the Possible symmetries from the dropdown list.
  4. Click OK.

Green symmetry lines display on the T-Spline body in the canvas. When you modify geometry in one radial section of the T-Spline body, the geometry in the other radial sections update to match.

circular internal example

Tip: If symmetry could not be detected from the selected faces, continue to pick symmetrical edges and points on either side of the desired symmetry plane.
Note: You can also add symmetry in the dialog as you create a T-Spline primitive (box, sphere, quadball, etc.).

Remove symmetry from a T-Spline body

Select a body and select Symmetry > Clear Symmetry.
