Display topology information on a T-Spline body

Use Repair Body to highlight star points, T points, and other potential issues in the body.

Repair body displays information about the selected T-Spline body. Use this information to optimize the topology of the model or use AutoRepair to attempt to resolve topology issues.

  1. In the Design workspace, Form contextual environment, select Utilities > Repair Body repair body icon.

  2. Select the T-Spline body.

    Star points, T points, and other potential issues are highlighted.

  3. Now, you can do one of the following:

    • In the Repair Body dialog, click AutoRepair.
    • Click Cancel and repair the highlighted issues manually.

Repair Body displays error labels in red and geometry labels in yellow. NGons are labeled with the number of sides the face contains. NGons are any faces that do not have four sides (three sides or five or more sides).