Subdivide a T-Spline face

Learn how to use the Subdivide tool to split a T-Spline face into multiple faces in Fusion.

subdivide example

  1. In the Design workspace, in the Form contextual environment, click Modify > Subdivide subdivide icon.

    The Subdivide dialog displays.

  2. In the canvas, select one or more T-Spline Faces to divide.

  3. In the dialog, select an Insert Mode:

    • Simple: Creates the minimum number of control points to subdivide the face. The shape of the T-spline surface may change.
    • Exact: Creates additional control points to maintain the shape of the T-Spline surface.
  4. Specify the number of faces to divide into:

    • For quadrilateral faces: Specify the number of Length Faces and Width Faces.
    • For non-quadrilateral faces: Specify the number of faces to divide into along each side of the face.
  5. Optional: Check Object Snap to move the new vertices to the closest point on solid, surface, or mesh bodies in the canvas. Then adjust associated settings:

    • Offset: Specify the distance to offset new vertices from the closest point on solid, surface, or mesh bodies in the canvas when Object Snap is enabled.
  6. Click OK.

The T-Spline face is subdivided into the specified number of faces and displays in the canvas.
