Revolve a T-Spline body

Learn how to use the Revolve tool to revolve a profile around an axis to create a circular T-Spline body in Fusion.

revolve example

  1. In the Design workspace, Form contextual environment, select Create > Revolve revolve icon. The Revolve dialog displays.
  2. Select the Profile to revolve.
  3. Click Axis and then select a linear or circular object to revolve around.
  4. Select a Direction setting and adjust associated settings.
    • partial icon Angle: Revolves the profile around the axis to an angle value that you specify.
      • Select a Direction setting and adjust associated settings.
        • one side icon One Side: Creates a revolve in one direction.
        • two sides icon Two Sides: Creates a revolve in both directions. Each direction can have a different angle.
        • symmetric icon Symmetric: Creates a symmetrical revolution in both directions.
      • To specify the Angle value, drag the manipulator handle or type an exact value.
    • full icon Full: Revolves the profile 360 degrees around the axis.
  5. Select a setting for Symmetry:
    • none icon None
    • circular icon Circular: Select to embed symmetry in the body.
  6. Click OK.

The revolved T-Spline body displays in the canvas.