Match T-Spline edges to solid, surface, or sketch geometry

Learn how to use the Match command to align the edges of a T-Spline body with sketch curves or edges on a solid or surface body in Fusion.

associative match gif

  1. In the Design workspace, Form contextual environment, select Modify > Match match icon.

  2. In the dialog, check Associative to create an associative relationship between the T-Spline geometry and the parametric solid, surface, or sketch geometry.

  3. In the canvas, select a set of T-Spline Edges to form the first side of the match.

  4. Select sketch curves or edges on a solid or surface body as Match Edges to form the other side of the match.

    A preview of the match geometry displays in the canvas, spanning between the T-Spline Edges and the Match Edges.

  5. Optional: Adjust the Continuity across the match transition to faces on a solid or surface body:

    • Connected (G0): Applies G0 positional continuity.
    • Tangent (G1): Applies G1 tangent continuity.
    • Curvature (G2): Applies G2 curvature continuity.
  6. Optional: Adjust the Spacing to control the distribution of control points along the match edge:

    • Uniform: Distributes control points evenly.
    • Curvature: Distributes control points based on the curvature of the match edge.
  7. Click OK.

The adjusted edges display on the T-Spline body in the canvas.

If the match is Associative, when you modify the solid, surface, or sketch geometry in the parametric design environment, the T-Spline edges adjust to maintain their relationship with the match edges.


Video (5:28)