Repair Body reference
Repair Body displays information about the mesh on the T-Spline body. Repairs error star points and error T points.
Design > Form > Utilities > Repair Body 
Displays glyphs on the body to show information about the topology of the mesh.
T-Spline Body
Specifies the body to examine.
Attempts to repair error star points, error T points, and free edges.
Error Labels
Controls the display of error labels.
- Error Star Displays a red star on star points with an error.
- Error T Points Displays a red T on T points with an error.
- Free Edges Highlights open edges on the body.
- Weld Tolerance Specify the distance between edges to weld when using AutoRepair.
Geometry Labels
Controls the display of geometry labels.
- NGons Labels NGons with the number of edges. NGons are faces that do not have four edges (three edges or five or more edges).
- T Points Displays a yellow T on T points.
- L Points Displays a yellow L on L points.
- Star Points Displays a yellow star on star points.