Create a drawing using flat pattern

  1. Create the flat patten.

    • Your design must be saved in order to create a drawing.
  2. In the Browser, click the Activate Flat Pattern radio button.

    activate flat pattern - Browser

  3. In the Create Drawing dialog, set the Destination options, and click OK.

Create drawing view that contains the folded sheet metal body and the flat pattern

  1. In the Create Drawing dialog, select Flat Pattern Representation, and click OK.
  2. In the newly created drawing, place the view, and click OK in the Drawing View dialog.
  3. Click Base View from the Drawing toolbar, and place the view. The base view of the referenced model is created.

When your design contains components, activate the desired component in the Browser. Right-click, and select Create Drawing. Then, follows step 3 to 5 from the workflow above.

sheet metal flat pattern drawing example