Choose the appropriate type of analysis for the phenomena you are trying to simulate. To help you choose a simulation, read the brief descriptions on the Simulation Types page. Then, for more detailed information, follow the links provided on that page to see the individual analysis type topics.
Example: If you want a solid model of a beam to behave as if it were simply supported, do not constrain the end faces. If the end face cannot translate axially, the beam is not free to rotate. Instead, apply the constraint to a single edge. This edge then acts as a fulcrum. The following image demonstrates the right and wrong way to simply support a square bar:
Figure 1: Comparison of Two Constraint Schemes.
(a:) Translation of the face at the right end is constrained in all three global directions. The end of the bar cannot rotate due to the axial constraint. Therefore, bar (a) behaves like a built-in beam, and it deflects much less than bar (b).
(b): Translation of the bottom edge at the right end is constrained in all three global directions. The bar is free to pivot on this edge. Therefore, bar (b) behaves as a simply supported beam, and it deflects much more than bar (a).
So, as you can see, you do not have to apply a rotational constraint to constrain rotation. In fact, rotational degrees of freedom (DOFs) are not applicable to solid elements. Therefore, rotational DOF constraints and moment loads applied to solid elements have no effect on the results. Ensure that your translational constraints do not impose an unintended and invalid rotational constraint.