Remove Faces

Learn how to remove faces from the geometry:

  1. Launch either of the Simplify or Edit Model contextual environments:

    • In the Simulation workspace, on the Setup tab, click Simplify > Simplify simplify icon.

      The Simplify contextual environment opens.

    • In the Generative Design workspace, on the Define tab, click Edit Model > Edit Model edit model icon.

      The Edit Model contextual environment opens.

  2. Click Modify > Remove Faces remove face icon.

  3. On the canvas, select a face or faces that you would like to remove.

  4. In the Remove Faces dialog, click Delete delete icon.

  5. Optionally, press Esc to cancel a long-running Remove Faces operation while it is in progress. The geometry will revert to the prior state.

Tip: Pay attention to the automatically added faces. It is possible that the automatic selection does not get all the intended faces or selects too many faces. Additional faces can be selected before deleting.