Create a report for your simulation study

Use the Report dialog to specify what information to include in the report.


These steps assume you have solved a Simulation study and have generated results.


  1. Click report icon (Simulation workspace > Results tab > Result Tools panel > Report) to open the Report dialog.

  2. On the General tab, specify the title, author, path to a logo, summary, and image size, as appropriate.

  3. In the Properties tab, specify properties to be included in the report. Click Add to add a property from the drop-down list. Click Remove to remove a selected property.

  4. The Studies tab contains all Simulation models and all the studies for each simulation model. Expand the tree to see the studies, if it not already expanded.

  5. Click a study to select it.

    Note: The study is highlighted in blue when it is selected, and various options to include are listed.
  6. Select, or deselect various options as appropriate.

    Note: For the nonlinear analyses, Event Simulation and Nonlinear static stress, you can choose how many result steps to include.
  7. Click on the Load Case associated with the study to select it, and choose which results and glyphs to include for that study.

  8. In the tree, check the box before the name of the study to include it in the report.

    Note: You can generate a single report that includes several simulation studies.
  9. Click Preview to preview the report in your Internet browser

  10. Click Save to close the dialog and create the report.