Electronics cooling materials

Materials that are appropriate for an electronics cooling analysis include any material that has thermal conductivity data associated with it. Although there are many materials in the libraries with thermal conductivity data, the Fusion Material Library includes an Electronics category with two materials you can use if your design doesn't already have materials assigned.

These two materials also include Young's Modulus and Yield Strength data, and are therefore also appropriate for Static Stress and Modal Frequencies analyses.

Note: For electronics models created in Fusion, materials assigned on the original model are brought into the Simulation workspace, automatically.

Flame Retardant 4 (FR4) PCB

FR4 is the most common among several varieties of glass epoxy laminates used for PCBs. The data for this material assumes a 4-layer board with standard PCB thickness of 1.57 mm, two plane layers at 100% density, two signal layers at 50% density, FR4 stack-up, and a prepregnated core.

Note: As with all materials in the Fusion libraries, FR4 is treated as isotropic in Fusion simulations.

Discrete Component

The majority of a component's package, especially for larger components, is the plastic body itself, which is reflected in properties of Discrete Component.