Material properties
The Material Properties
command opens the dialog where you can review and search for properties of the polymer selected for the study. Each tab contains different properties:
- Description - unique information that helps to identify a specific material.
- Recommended Processing - material processing conditions, recommended by the material manufacturer.
- Rheological Properties - properties that govern how plastics flow in response to applied forces and stresses.
- Thermal Properties - properties that govern how the material behaves in response to temperature. It enables you to predict the time needed for the part to reach the ejection temperature.
- pvT Properties - properties that govern the compressibility of the material and how it shrinks with changes in temperature and pressure.
- Mechanical Properties - properties that govern how the material behaves under applied forces.
- Shrinkage - reduction in the dimensions of a plastic part compared with the mold dimensions. Variations in shrinkage within the part cause warp issues.
- Environmental Properties - environmental impact opportunities to consider.
- Material Data Completeness - the confidence in the analysis results, based on the completeness of the material data.
Different grades of the same material can have different properties, and selecting an incorrect grade for a study impacts the quality of the results, particularly for critical features.