Maximum Thresholds result

The Maximum Thresholds result shows which components have exceeded their maximum temperature thresholds, and which components are below. You define the maximum temperature threshold for each component of interest in the study setup, before solving. By assigning a Temperature Threshold value to the components, the Maximum Thresholds result highlights only those components, and lets you know whether they are below, approaching, or above the temperature threshold, so you can take action.

Important: This result is generated only when you assign a temperature threshold to one or more electronics board components. If no temperature threshold is assigned, this result is not generated.

air temperature result

Figure 1 showing a model in which two components have set maximum temperature thresholds.

Things to look for

When viewing the Maximum Thresholds result, watch for the following:

Figure 2: Thresholds result showing the two components that have a Temperature Threshold assigned to them.

Using this result

Next Steps

To address the potential issues highlighted by the Maximum Thresholds result, you could: