Specify the fan flow rate in electronics cooling

Prerequisites: You have set up an electronics cooling study in the Simulation workspace and you have modeled a fan in your design.

  1. On the Setup toolbar, in the Cooling panel, click fan icon Fan to open the Fan dialog.

  2. In the canvas window select the fan, and confirm it is highlighted in blue in the canvas and that 1 Body is selected in the Fan dialog.

    Note: The entire fan body is selected automatically
  3. In the Fan dialog, enter the required Flow Rate.

    Note: If the default units are not the required units, simply type the required units as you enter the flow rate.
  4. If required, change the Direction Type from Automatic to Angle (delta) and use the manipulators to alter the angle of flow.

  5. If required, click Flip Direction to reverse the flow direction.

  6. Click OK to accept the flow rate and close the dialog.