Dimensions in sketches

The Sketch Dimension dimension icon tool lets you add dimensions to sketch and construction geometry in an active sketch in Fusion.

Note: Before you can create sketch geometry, you must use the Create Sketch tool create sketch icon to create a new sketch or right-click an existing sketch and select Edit Sketch to enter the Sketch contextual environment.

Sketch Dimension

The Sketch Dimension tool creates dimensions to define and constrain geometry in the active sketch. Use dimensions to control the size and position of sketch geometry.

You select the sketch curves to dimension, then click to place the dimension in the canvas.

Driving dimensions

A Driving dimension is a dimension that is used to explicitly define measurement values of geometry.

Driving dimensions are the default type of dimension created by the Sketch Dimension tool, unless the dimension will over-constrain the sketch.

Note: When a sketch is over-constrained, you can choose to make a dimension Driven instead of Driving.

Driven dimensions

A Driven dimension is a dimension whose value is flexible, and is determined by geometry or other dimensions, parameters, or expressions.

Driven dimensions:

You can reference a Driven dimension within the same sketch, across different sketches, and in modeling features.