Text in sketches

The Text tool in the Sketch > Create panel lets you create different types of text as sketch geometry in an active sketch in Fusion.

text on path example

You can use the following command to create text in an active sketch:

Note: Before you can create sketch geometry, you must use the Create Sketch command create sketch icon to create a new sketch or right-click an existing sketch and select Edit Sketch to enter the Sketch contextual environment.


The Text command creates text inside a rectangular frame or along a selected path in the active sketch, which you can use as a profile to create 3D geometry.

You click to place the text frame or select the path for text to follow, then enter and format your text.

After you place the text frame, use the rotation manipulator handle to rotate it. Click any snap point on the text frame to change the point around which you rotate the text frame.

When Type is set to Text text icon, you can dimension and constrain the text frame to control its size and shape in relation to other sketch geometry.

text frame animation

When Type is set to Text on Path text on path icon and you modify the path later, the text will adjust along with the path. If the path is a circle, after you create the text, you can use the Move/Copy command to rotate it around the center point of the circle to align it more precisely.

text on path associative animation

Note: If you plan to use the Emboss command to emboss text on a solid body, select a font that is not a single line font.